玻璃 Shanghai hospital announces success of hip fracture surgery on centenarian
发布日期:2024-01-16 09:13    点击次数:145

玻璃 Shanghai hospital announces success of hip fracture surgery on centenarian

Shanghai Renji Hospital says it has successfully carried out surgery on a 100-year-old female with hip fracture.玻璃

The patient fell at home and fractured her hip. She had to lie in bed, suffering serious pain and poor mobility.

Doctors said hip fracture for the elderly is very fatal. It is called the last fracture in life because it can cause continuous internal bleeding, and serious complications like lung and urological infections.

The mortality in the first month of fracture is over 20 percent and timely surgery is the best treatment to reduce mortality.

The patient went to Renji Hospital's emergency department on the third day after the fracture and was advised surgery.

Surgery and anesthesia for people at such an advanced age is a big challenge. After detailed checks, doctors decided to carry out the operation and made pre-plans to ensure safety and reduce the risk from anesthesia.

The surgery was smooth, as doctors only spent 40 minutes finishing the operation with 50 milliliters of blood loss.


而对于老年群体来说,由于其在年龄不断增长的同时,体内的各个器官及组织也会有所衰弱, 温州鼎丰鞋业有限公司这也会在一定程度上对阴气和阳气的生成产生阻碍, 贺兰县尊奥羽毛有限公司而作为阴阳起源的脚部, 定兴县卫全干果有限公司自然也会因此而出现一系列异常表现。

The patient could sit and move by herself the day after the surgery. She was transported to a nearby hospital for further rehabilitation five days later.

Dr Li Zhanyu, 大同区位地板有限公司 the chief surgeon,广州市家御汽车贸易有限公司玻璃 said many elderly people have misunderstandings about surgery and worry about operation risks.

"Avoiding surgery doesn't mean it is safer. Elderly people can suffer various issues like severe pain and fear of moving, which is likely to cause thrombus and then lead to pulmonary embolism, stroke and heart attack. Being bedridden long term also can cause bedsores as well as lung and urological infections," he said. "All these are fatal complications.

"Age is not the taboo. For elderly people, as far as they can endure anesthesia, surgery is the best solution and the earlier the better. After surgery, they can turn over, sit and walk, which are important for life quality and recovery."

According to experts, the first 24 hours after fracture is the best time for surgery for reducing post-surgery complications and mortality. The mortality increases significantly between 36 and 48 hours after the fracture.

Post-surgery rehabilitation is also important. The best time is between 24 and 48 hours after surgery玻璃, doctors noted.